We’re excited to welcome Tracy Mahaffey to perform a live stone carving demo around 11:30am in MA and RI!
Join us at Island Cemetery in Newport, RI on Thursday August 15th, 2024!
All 48StateTour! events are free & open to the public
Island Cemetery
30 Warner St. Newport, RI 02840
8/15/2024 9am-3pm
Find A Grave
Island Cemetery
48StateTour Facebook Event
Location Details
(keep scrolling for Google maps)
“The cemetery is home to several architecturally significant buildings, the office building, the receiving vault and the Belmont Chapel. Work on the cemetery office on Warner Street, designed by Herbert Wilson began in 1902. The one-and-a-half story brick structure (see photo) with a broad arched entrance and a central clock tower was finally opened in 1921 after a redesign to eliminate cracks in the clock tower.
Another important building was a receiving vault (see photo below) built to temporarily store bodies in winter months when the ground is too frozen to dig a permanent grave. It was designed by Edwin Wilbar in 1894 in a temple form. It fell into disrepair and was finally demolished in 1985.
The August Belmont Memorial Chapel was commissioned by August Belmont in 1886 and deeded to the Island Cemetery for public use in 1888.”
*info above is provided by Island Cemetery History and images below are provided by our local event co-hosts with Island Cemetery*