"Yesterday went REALLY FANTASICALLY WELL!!!! Everyone that showed up (about 30, young and old) really enjoyed listening and learning from Jonathan and all the experience and knowledge that he has!! Thank you both for selecting Fourth Creek Burying Ground and all the help along the way."
Scott 2023
"Our thanks go out to Jonathan and the whole of Atlas Preservation for bringing this workshop to us! It was a great experience and thoroughly appreciated by all the participants. While the learning experience was the overall goal, it is very satisfying to see the gravestones of Charles Field and little Cyrus Chase standing once again."
Janet 2023
"Thank you, 48 State Tour, for selecting Wilkes-Barre City Cemetery as one of your stops. I know people will be talking about everything they saw and learned from Jon. I myself will be using everything I learned to from watching a Master at work and help in the restoration of the city cemetery. We know we have a BIG job ahead of us, but with your instructions we feel a lot more confident now than we did before."
Louis 2023
"The event was great— thanks so much for selecting Fairview! We learned so much and it’s a thrill to see those stones standing again!"
Addison 2023
"I want to thank you for coming to the Old Yellow Meeting House on July 29th and providing an incredibly informative and helpful workshop on the care of headstones/grave markers. It was certainly well-received."
Nancy 2023
"Today I had the privilege of attending Jon’s outstanding workshop in Burlingame, KS. The knowledge I gained was truly unmeasurable. After the event, I told him that I learned about the 48 State Tour just a couple days ago via a podcast. Unfortunately, I could not locate the podcast while on site. I’ve since found it and thought Jon might like to listen to it as he continues his tour. It is called Episode 83 - Getting Involved in Local Cemetery Preservation, Upkeep & Events hosted by Jennie & Dianne on Spotify. There is a great shout out to Jon and his outstanding efforts in this field. Thanks again!
Kurt 2022
"Thank you for coming to Waxahachie, Texas as a stop on the 2022 tour. It was so nice to meet you in person and have followed your YouTube channel for years and the videos have taught me how to clean headstones properly. I loved your hands on approach during the workshop and you gave some other tips to consider when cleaning." Continued on next blurb
Aliece 2022
" I was most surprised by the repair work on damaged headstones/monuments. It seems daunting in the videos, but seeing it done in person makes it look like something everyone can learn. I have never worked much with tools, but your workshop made everything user friendly and the supply list handout is super useful! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise, tools, passion and patience with novies, like myself. It was great to share a day with so many people who are doing work in cemeteries across the state of Texas and the USA. Safe travels!
Aliece 2022
“Thank you, Jon, for the excellent, highly informative presentation this past weekend in Lewistown, Pa. Not only did I learn much more than I could have imagined, you and the volunteers did a tremendous job in helping to preserve an important, but sadly neglected part of our heritage. Again, thanks.”
— Rich 2021
“I wanted to thank Jon for his superb workshop yesterday!! I know we will be seeing more of him in the future. Thank you to everyone that came out. We had a large crowd, and I don’t think there was anyone there who did not expand their cemetery conservation and preservation skill set. I know I did”
— Graham 2021
“Last summer, under the masks and social distancing of COVID, I attended a wonderful gravestone preservation workshop in Palenville, New York at an early stop on the 48 state tour with Jonathan Appell. I was so very impressed. Since then I have brought D2 cleaning to my church cemetery in Pennsylvania, and purchased my first epoxy.”
— Rose-Anna 2021
"Thank you so much for such a great day! We learned so much and are very grateful for the stones you repaired!"
— Carly 2021
"Thank you! It was an amazing day and we are grateful to how much work was done and for Atlas Preservation and all who came out to help!"
— Riverside Cemetery 2021
"An excellent, highly informative presentation., Thanks, Jon!"
— Rich 2021
"Thank you so much for all you did. The Old Burying Ground looks just beautiful. It is quite a change to the center of town."
— Rutland Historical Society 2021
"And I am still talking about John’s workshop. Our little cemetery looks so much better! Please thank John again for all of his help and expertise."
— Jenny 2021
"I wanted to thank you for selecting Palenville for your historic summer workshop tour. Not only was there a great turn out, it kindled an interest in the cemetery by the community. This summer we are going to have several stone cleaning days as well as a cemetery walk to share stories. Thank you."
— Eva 2020