Join us at Fourth Creek Burying Ground in Statesville, NC on Friday June 30th, 2023!
All 48StateTour! events are free & open to the public
This event is cohosted by First Presbyterian Church of Statesville and the City of Statesville
Fourth Creek Burying Ground
200 West End Avenue, Statesville NC 28677
6/30/2023 9am-3pm
Visit NC - Fourth Creek Burying Ground
Location Details
(keep scrolling for details on parking and Google maps)
Fourth Creek Burying Ground dates back to 1758, is 1.67 acres, has over 600 markers from 1759 to 1955. There are Revolutionary War Soldiers/Patriots and Civil War Soldiers buried here, as well as men of local, state and national fame, in local lore and government. The oldest person lived to be 97 years of age, and she was Agnes Murdoch, whom the First Presbyterian Church is trying to get installed into the DAR as an "original daughter.”
*all images below are provided by Scott Stevenson, our local event co-host!*
Before & after images of headstone cleaning at Fourth Creek Burying Ground!
Fourth Creek Burying Ground PARKING Map